In many places, like on roads, SkyTrain platforms, and at work, yellow lines are visible and there to protect us. They guide us, give us a heads up, warn us, tell us when to pause, and when to go. These yellow lines represent moments of decision—to comply or risk being injured or worse. But when yellow lines are not there—like inside your home—it’s up to you.
Fire injuries and deaths are on the rise in BC, the vast majority of which are caused by residential structure fires.1 That’s why we’ve partnered with the BC Office of the Fire Commissioner to remind British Columbians to be fire safe at home.
Having a working smoke alarm is the most effective way to keeping yourself and your family safe from fire, and fire injuries and deaths. Last year, only 45% of structure fires had a working smoke alarm.1
Smoke alarms should be installed on all levels of your home, both inside and outside sleeping areas. They should be tested at least once a year, and replaced at least every 10 years—check the expiry sticker on the alarm. In addition to a working smoke detector, these other preventive efforts can protect you and your family from fire injuries and deaths:
- Properly extinguish and dispose of all smoking materials in large, deep ashtrays—NOT in garbage cans
- Keep flammable materials away from any source of heat—fires don’t need a flame to start
- Practice your home escape plan so everyone knows what to do if a fire occurs
- Offer to test the smoke alarms of elderly family members, friends, and neighbours
As part of our campaign, we’re putting up ads on TV, social media, and the web to remind British Columbians to test their smoke alarms. Also look for our signage in liquor and cannabis stores around BC.
When a fire occurs in your home, seconds count. A working smoke alarm makes a big difference. When it comes to preventing fire injuries and deaths in your home, it’s up to you.
1. BC Office of the Fire Commissioner. 2022 Annual Report https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/public-safety-and-emergency-services/public-safety/fire-safety/fire-reporting/office_of_the_fire_commissioner_2022_annual_report.pdf